Two years ago, under the umbrella of M3 Mindfulness, we created a bilingual app. with movement, mindfulness, Māori sleep story and meditation practices. Some of our well-known Māori language champions lent their beautiful pūkenga to this offering. Nā Hēmi Kelly ngā mahinga i whakamāori. Huge mihi to Stacey Morrison, Dr Hinemoa Elder, Maaka Pohatu, Pere Wihongi, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Ani-piki Tuari, Jerome Puoro, Naomi Toilalo, Tarikura Kapea, Hana Buchanan, and Arihia Cassidy who all shared their reo for this kaupapa. Thanks also to James Illingworth for producing our mahi. How lucky are we? Due to high costs, the app. was shut down. So... to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo and Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, you can access these practices anytime, anywhere, for free here on our website! Mai i te whānau o Hauora Aotearoa, kia pārekareka ēnei mahinga mauri tau - From the HĀ family, enjoy these settling practices.
1. He Kupu Whakataki - Jase Te Patu
2. Te Hiranga O Te Hā - Jase Te Patu
3. Noticing The Breath - Jase Te Patu
4. Box Breathing - Tarikura Kapea
5. Nostril Breathing - Jase Te Patu
6. He Aha Tēnei Mea Te Taumārire - Jase Te Patu
7. Energising Morning Meditation - Ani-piki Tuari
8. Mindful Eating - Naomi Toilalo
9. He Whakaāio Wairua Mō Te Ngākau Atawhai - Jase Te Patu
10. Naming The Thoughts - Jase Te Patu
11. Pōkaikaha Tū.Hā.Rongo.Hāere - Jase Te Patu
12. Mā Te Whakamahi I Ngā Tairongo E Tau Ai Te Anipā - Dr Hinemoa Elder
13. Gratitude - Arihia Cassidy
14. Have A Peaceful Sleep - Jase Te Patu
15. Ko Ranginui Rāua Ko Papatūānuku - Maaka Pohatu
16. Ngā Whetū O Matariki - Stacey Morrison
17. Hineahuone, Our First Woman - Ani-piki Tuari
18. Ko Rona Me Te Marama - Pere Wihongi
19. Ko Tāne Me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga - Te Kohe Tuhaka
1. Intro - Jase Te Patu
2. The Importance Of Breath - Jase Te Patu
3. Te Aro Ki Te Hā - Jase Te Patu
4. Te Hā Tatau - Tarikura Kapea
5. Te Hā Mā Ngā Pongāihu - Jase Te Patu
6. What Is Mindfulness - Jase Te Patu
7. He Whakaāio Wairua Mō Te Ata - Ani-piki Tuari
8. Te Kai Taumārire - Naomi Toilalo
9. Kindness Meditation - Jase Te Patu
10. Te Whakaingoa I Ngā Whakaaro - Jase Te Patu
11. Stress S.T.O.P - Jase Te Patu
12. Using The Senses For Anxiety - Dr Hinemoa Elder
13. Te Ngākau Whakamihi - Arihia Cassidy
14. Kia Au Te Moe - Jase Te Patu
15. Ranginui & Papatūānuku - Maaka Pohatu
16. The Stars Of Matariki - Stacey Morrison
17. Ko Hineahuone Te Wahine Tuatahi - Ani-piki Tuari
18. Rona And The Moon - Pere Wihongi
19. Tāne And The Baskets Of Knowledge - Te Kohe Tuhaka